Saturday, September 06, 2014

Thoughts For The Day~*~Honesty ^*^*^ September 7, 2014

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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know the biggest word for me in AA is 'honesty.'
I don't believe this program would work for me
if I didn't get honest with myself about everything.
Honesty is the easiest word for me to understand
because it is the exact opposite
of what I've been doing all my life.
Therefore, it would be the hardest to work on.
But I will never be totally honest -
that would make me perfect,
and none of us can claim to be perfect.
Only God is."
1976AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 482


Thought to C
onsider . . .

Honesty is the absence of the intent to deceive.

C H A N G E =  Choosing Honesty Allows New Growth Every day

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

From "The Central Experience":

"I have become more and more aware of the infinite expansion of happiness which is accessible within. The Upanishad, part of the Hindu scriptures, concludes: 'From Joy all things are born; by Joy all things are sustained; to Joy all things return.' The more thoroughly I can surrender to this proposition, the more thoroughly I enjoy my life. Ultimately, my God as I understand Him is joy and the expansion of joy. - Toronto, Ontario"

1973 AAWS, Inc.; Came to Believe, 30th printing 2004, pg. 100

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

We are there to sweep off our side of the street, realizing that
nothing worth while can be accomplished until we do so, never trying
to tell him what he should do. His faults are not discussed. We
stick to our own.

I made amends to my dad after I quit drinking. My words fell on
deaf ears since I had blamed him for my troubles. Several months
later I made amends to my dad again. This time I wrote a letter
in which I did not blame him nor mention his faults. It worked,
and at last I understood! My side of the street is all that I'm
responsible for and--thanks to God and A.A. -- it's clean for

*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*

Prayer Under Pressure

Whenever I find myself under acute tensions, I lengthen my daily walks and slowly repeat our Serenity Prayer in rhythm to my steps and breathing. If I feel that my pain has in part been occasioned by others, I try to repeat, "God grant me the serenity to love their best, and never fear their worst." This benign healing process of repetition, sometimes necessary to persist with for days, has seldom failed to restore me to at least a workable emotional balance and perspective.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"'There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which
is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in
everlasting ignorance that principle is contempt prior to

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Appendice II, Spiritual
Experience, pg. 568~

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

Another of the mottoes of A.A. is "Easy Does It." This means that
we just go along in A.A. doing the best we can and not getting steamed
up over problems that arise in A.A. or outside of it. We alcoholics
are emotional people and we have gone to excess in almost everything
we have done. We have not been moderate in many things. We have not
known how to relax. Faith in a Higher Power can help us to learn to
take it easy. We are not running the world. I am only one among many.
We are resolved to live normal, regular lives. From our A.A.
experience we learn that "easy does it." Have I Learned to take
it easy?

Meditation for the Day

"The eternal God is Thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting
arms." Sheltering arms express the loving protection of God's spirit.
Human beings, in their troubles and difficulties, need nothing so
much as a refuge, a place to relax where they can lay down their
burdens and get relief from cares. Say to yourself- "God is my refuge."
Say it until its truth sinks into your very soul. Say it until you
know it and are sure of it. Nothing can seriously upset you or make
you afraid, if God is truly your refuge.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may go each day to God as a refuge until fear goes and
peace and security come. I pray that I may feel deeply secure in the
Haven of His spirit.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Friday, September 05, 2014

Thoughts For The Day~*~Belonging ^*^*^ September 6, 2014

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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oday, I'm counting my blessings instead of my troubles.
When I walked into the friendly atmosphere of my first
AA meeting, I knew I was where I belonged.
Here were people who had thought and felt as I had.
Here was the understanding I'd been searching for
all my life."
1976AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 355


Thought to C
onsider . . . 

I stood in the sunlight at last.

T H I N K =  The Happiness I Never Knew

*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~* 
From "The Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous":

"We directed Mr. Blackwell [the printer] to do the job on the thickest paper in his shop. The original volume proved to be so bulky that it became known as the 'Big Book.' Of course the idea was to convince the alcoholic purchaser that he was indeed getting his money's worth!"

2001 AAWS, Inc.; Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, pg. 170

*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*


". . .except when to do so would injure them or others."  


Step Nine restores me to a feeling of belonging, not only to the human race but also to the everyday world.  First, the Step makes me leave the safety of A.A., so that I may deal with non-A.A. people "out there," on their terms, not mine.  It is a frightening but necessary action if I am to get back into life.  Second, Step Nine allows me to remove threats to my sobriety by healing past relationships.  Step Nine points the way to a more serene sobriety by letting me clear away the past wreckage, lest it bring me down.


*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
God's Gifts

We see that the sun never sets upon A.A.'s Fellowship; that more than three hundred and fifty-thousand of us have now recovered from our malady; that we have everywhere begun to transcend the formidable barriers of race, creed, and nationality. This assurance that so many of us have been able to meet our responsibilities for sobriety and for growth and effectiveness in the troubled world where we live, will surely fill us with the deepest joy and satisfaction.
But, as a people who have nearly always learned the hard way, we shall
certainly not congratulate ourselves. We shall perceive these assets to be God's gifts, which have been in part matched by an increasing willingness on our part to find and do His will for us.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"We alcoholics are sensitive people. It takes some of us a long time
to outgrow that serious handicap."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, The Family Afterward, pg. 125~
*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

Another of the mottoes of A.A. is "Live and Let Live." This, of
course, means tolerance of people who think differently than we do,
whether they are in A.A. or outside of A.A. We cannot afford the
luxury of being intolerant or critical of other people. We do not
try to impose our wills on those who differ from us. We are not
"holier than thou." We do not have all the answers. We are not better
than other good people. We live the best way we can and we allow
others to do likewise. Am I willing to live and let live?

Meditation for the Day

"And this is life eternal, that we may know Thee, the only true
God." Learning to know God as best you can draws the eternal life
nearer to you. Freed from some of the limitations of humanity, you
can grow in the things that are eternal. You can strive for what
is real and of eternal value. The more you try to live in the
consciousness of the unseen world, the gentler will be your passing
into it when the time comes for you to go. This life on earth should
be largely a preparation for the eternal life to come.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may live each day as though it were my last. I pray
that I may live my life as though it were everlasting.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thoughts For The Day~*~Sobriety ^*^*^ September 5, 2014

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~


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od willing, we members of AA may never again
have to deal with drinking,
but we have to deal with sobriety every day.
How do we do it?
By learning - through practicing the Twelve Steps
and through sharing at meetings -
how to cope with the problems
that we looked to booze to solve,
back in our drinking days."
1976AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 560


Thought to C
onsider . . .

Sobriety is a choice and a treasure.

B E S T =  Been Enjoying Sobriety Today?

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
Well Worth the Effort
From: "Having Fun Yet?"  

we aren't a glum lot. If newcomers could see no joy or fun in our existence, they wouldn't want it. We absolutely insist on enjoying life. We try not to indulge in cynicism over the state of the nations, nor do we carry the world's troubles on our shoulders.

Alcoholics Anonymous, page 132  

When my own house is in order, I find the different parts of my life are more manageable. Stripped from the guilt and remorse that cloaked my drinking years, I am free to assume my proper role in the universe, but this condition requires maintenance. I should stop and ask myself, Am I having fun yet? If I find answering that question difficult or painful, perhaps I'm taking myself too seriously - and finding it difficult to admit that I've strayed from my practice of working the program to keep my house in order. I think the pain I experience is one way my Higher Power has to get my attention, coaxing me to take stock of my performance. The slight time and effort it takes to work the program - a spot-check inventory, for example, or the making of amends, whatever is appropriate - are well worth the effort.  

1990, AAWS, Inc., Daily Reflections, page 31

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

Made direct amends to such people wherever possible,. . . . .


When I survey my drinking days, I recall many people whom my life
touched casually, but whose days I troubled through my anger and
sarcasm. These people are untraceable, and direct amends to them
are not possible. The only amends I can make to those untraceable
individuals, the only "changes for the better" I can offer, are
indirect amends made to other people, whose paths briefly cross
mine. Courtesy and kindness, regularly practiced, help me to live
in emotional balance, at peace with myself.

*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*

We Need Outside Help

It was evident that a solitary self-appraisal, and the admission of our
defects based upon that alone, wouldn't be nearly enough. We'd have to have outside help if we were surely to know and admit the truth about ourselves -- the help of God and of another human being.
Only by discussing ourselves, holding back nothing, only by being willing to take advice and accept direction could we set foot on the road to straight thinking, solid honesty, and genuine humility.


If we are fooling ourselves, a competent adviser can see this quickly. And, as he skillfully guides us away from our fantasies, we are surprised to find that we have few of the usual urges to defend ourselves against unpleasant truths. In no other way can fear, pride, and ignorance be so readily melted. After a time, we realize that we are standing firm on a brand-new foundation for integrity, and we gratefully credit our sponsors, whose advice pointed the way.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"The alcoholic is like a tornado roaring his way through the lives of
others. Hearts are broken. Sweet relationships are dead.
Affections have been uprooted. Selfish and inconsiderate habits have
kept the home in turmoil. We feel a man is unthinking when he says
that sobriety is enough"

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Into Action, pg. 82~

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

One of the mottoes of A.A. is "First Things First." This means that
we should always keep in mind that alcohol is our number-one problem. We must never let any other problem, whether of family, business,
friends, or anything else, take precedence in our minds over our
alcoholic problem. As we go along in A.A., we learn to recognize the
things that may upset us emotionally. When we find ourselves getting
upset over something, we must realize that it's a luxury we
alcoholics can't afford. Anything that makes us forget our number-one
problem is dangerous to us. Am I keeping sobriety in first place in
my mind?

Meditation for the Day

Spiritual progress is the law of your being. Try to see around you
more and more of beauty and truth, knowledge and power. Today try to
be stronger, braver, more loving as a result of what you did yesterday.
This law of spiritual progress gives meaning and purpose to your life.
Always expect better things ahead. You can accomplish much good
through the strength of God's spirit in you. Never be too discouraged.
The world is sure to get better, in spite of setbacks of war, hate,
and greed. Be part of the cure of the world's ills, rather than part
of the disease.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may keep progressing in the better life. I pray that I
may be a part of the forces for good in the world.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Thoughts For The Day~*~Unity ^*^*^ September 4, 2014

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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oved by the spirit of anonymity,
we try to give up our natural desires for personal distinction
as AA members both among fellow alcoholics
and before the general public.
As we lay aside these very human aspirations,
we believe that each of us takes part
in the weaving of a protective mantle
which covers our whole Society and under which
we may grow and work in unity.
We are sure that humility, expressed by anonymity,
is the greatest safeguard  that Alcoholics Anonymous
can ever have."
1952AAWS, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 187


Thought to C
onsider . . .

To help each other, is to help ourselves.

A A's - R - U S  =  Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Unity Service

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

Conditional Recovery
From: "Steering clear of emotional entanglements"  

Another caution: Tying our sobriety to someone we are emotionally involved with proves flatly disastrous. "I'll stay sober if so-and-so does this or that" puts an unhealthy condition on our recovery. We have to stay sober for ourselves, no matter what other people do or fail to do.  

We should remember, too, that intense dislike also is an emotional entanglement, often a reversal of past love. We need to cool any overboard feeling, lest it flip us back into the drink.  

1998, AAWS, Inc., Living Sober, pages 61-62

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

Yes, there is a long period of reconstruction ahead . . .


The reconstruction of my life is the prime goal in my recovery as I avoid taking that first drink, one day at a time.  The task is most successfully accomplished by working the Steps of our Fellowship.  The spiritual life is not a theory; it works, but I have to live it.  Step Two started me on my journey to develop a spiritual life; Step Nine allows me to move into the final phase of the initial Steps which taught me how to live a spiritual life.  Without the guidance and strength of a Higher Power, it would be impossible to proceed through the various stages of reconstruction.  I realize that God works for me and through me.  Proof comes to me when I realize that God did for me what I could not do for myself, by removing that gnawing compulsion to drink.  I must continue daily to seek God's guidance.  He grants me a daily reprieve and will provide the power I need for reconstruction.

*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*

Have You Experimented?

"Since open-mindedness and experimentation are supposed to be the
indispensable attributes of our 'scientific' civilization, it seems strange
that so many scientists are reluctant to try out personally the hypothesis that God came first and man afterward. They prefer to believe that man is the chance product of evolution; that God, the Creator, does not exist. "I can only report that I have experimented with both concepts and that, in my case, the God concept has proved to be a better basis for living than the man-centered one.
"Nevertheless, I would be the first to defend your right to think as you
will. I simply ask this question: 'in your own life, have you ever really
tried to think and act as though there might be a God? Have you

LETTER, 1950
*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"I knew from that moment that I had an alcoholic mind. I saw that will power and self-knowledge would not help in those strange mental blank spots. I had never been able to understand people who said that a problem had them hopelessly defeated. I knew then. It was a crushing blow."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, More About Alcoholism, pg. 42~

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

"We must be careful never to show intolerance or hatred of drinking
as an institution. Experience shows that such an attitude is not
helpful to anyone. We are not fanatics or intolerant of people who
can drink normally. Prospects are relieved when they find we are not
witch burners. Temperate drinking is okay, but we alcoholics can't
get away with it. And no alcoholic likes to be told about alcohol
by anyone who hates it. We shall be of little use if our attitude
is one of bitterness or hostility." Do I have tolerance for those
who can drink normally?

Meditation for the Day

Do not become encumbered by petty annoyances. Never respond to
emotional upsets by emotional upset. Try to keep calm in all
circumstances. Try not to fight back. Call on the grace of God
to calm you when you feel like retaliating. Look to God for the
inner strength to drop those resentments that drag you down. if
you are burdened by annoyances, you will lose your inward peace
and the spirit of God will be shut out. Try to keep peaceful within.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may do the things that make for peace. I pray that I
may have a mission of conciliation.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Thoughts For The Day~*~Dry ^*^*^ September 3, 2014

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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ometimes, we become depressed.
I ought to know;
I have been a champion dry-bender case myself.
While the surface causes were a part of the picture -
trigger-events that precipitated depression -
the underlying causes, I am satisfied, ran much deeper.
Intellectually, I could accept my situation.
Emotionally, I could not.
To those problems, there are certainly no pat answers.
But part of the answer lies in the constant effort
to practice all of AA's Twelve Steps."
Bill W., Letter, 1954
As Bill Sees It, p. 30


Thought to C
onsider . . .

he Twelve Steps are but suggestions,
as is pulling the rip cord on a parachute.

D R Y =   Doing Recovery Yourself

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
At Peace
From: "On the Move"  

Like everyone else I have good days and bad days. Unlike my attitude while I was still drinking, however, I rarely dread what is going to happen to me today. I have even had the chance to see my father come into A.A. We have been to numerous A.A. conventions together and have shared more with each other in the past few years than we ever had before. I think we are both at peace with our pasts and comfortable with the present.

2001, AAWS, Inc., Alcoholics Anonymous, page 493

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

We feel a man is unthinking when he says sobriety is enough.


When I reflect on Step Nine, I see that physical sobriety must be enough for me.  I need to remember the hopelessness I felt before I found sobriety, and how I was willing to go to any lengths for it.  Physical sobriety is not enough for those around me, however, since I must see that God's gift is used to build a new life for my family and loved ones.  Just as importantly, I must be available to help others who want the A.A. way of life.
I ask God to help me share the gift of sobriety so that its benefits may be shown to those I know and love.

~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
Instinct to Live

When men and women pour so much alcohol into themselves that they destroy their lives, they commit a most unnatural act. Defying their instinctive desire for self-preservation, they seem bent upon self-destruction. They work against their own deepest instinct. As they are progressively humbled by the terrific beating administered by alcohol, the grace of God can enter them and expel their obsession. Here their powerful instinct to live can cooperate fully with their Creator's desire to give them new life.


"The central characteristic of the spiritual experience is that it gives the recipient a new and better motivation out of all proportion to any process of discipline, belief, or faith. "These experiences cannot make us whole at once; they are a rebirth to a fresh and certain opportunity."

1. TWELVE AND TWELVE, P. 64 - 2. LETTER, 1965

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*
"Much to our relief, we discovered we did not need to consider
another's conception of God. Our own conception, however inadequate,
was sufficient to make the approach and to effect a contact with
Him. As soon as we admitted the possible existence of a Creative
Intelligence, a Spirit of the Universe underlying the totality of
things, we began to be possessed of a new sense of power and
direction, provided we took other simple steps."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, We Agnostics, pg. 46~
*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

"Offer new prospects friendship and fellowship. Tell them that if they want to get well you will do anything to help. Bum the idea into the consciousness of new prospects that they can get well, regardless of anyone else. job or no job, spouse or no spouse, they cannot stop drinking as long as they place dependence on other people ahead of dependence on God. Let no alcoholic say they cannot recover unless they have their family back. This just isn't so. Their recovery is not dependent upon other people. It is dependent on their own relationship to God." Can I recognize all excuses made by a prospect?

Meditation for the Day

The spiritual life depends upon the Unseen. To live the spiritual life, you must believe in the Unseen. Try not to lose the consciousness of God's spirit in you and in others. As a child in its mother's arms, stay sheltered in the understanding and love of God. God will relieve you of the weight of worry and care, misery and depression, want and woe, faintness and heartache, if you will let Him. Lift up your eyes from earth's troubles and view the glory of the unseen God. Each day try to see more good in people, more of the Unseen in the seen.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may rest and abide in the presence of the unseen God. I pray that I may leave my burdens in His care.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012