Saturday, March 01, 2008

Thoughts For The Day~*~Selfishness ^*^*^*^*^ March 1, 2008

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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elfishness, self-centeredness!
That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Driven by a hundred forms of fear,
self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity,
we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate.
Sometimes they hurt us, seemingly without provocation,
but we invariably find that at some time in the past
we have made decisions based on self
which later placed us in a position to be hurt.
c. 2001 AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 62


Thought to Consider . . .

Swallowing your pride will not get you drunk.

A A  = Altered Attitudes

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

From "The Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous":

"As by some deep instinct, we have known from the very beginning that, no matter what the provocation, we must never publicly take sides, as A.A.s, in any fight, even a worthy one. All history affords us the spectacle of striving nations and groups finally torn asunder because they were designed for, or tempted into, controversy. Others fell apart because of sheer self-righteousness while trying to force upon the rest of mankind some millennium of their own specification. In our own times we have seen millions die in political and economic wars often spurred by religious and racial differences."

© 2001 AAWS, Inc.; Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, pg. 123

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*


        It works -- it really does.


When I got sober I initially had faith only in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Desperation and fear kept me sober (and maybe a caring and/or tough sponsor helped!).  Faith in a Higher Power came much later.  This faith came slowly at first, after I began listening to others share at meetings about their experiences -- experiences that I had never faced sober, but that they were facing with strength from a Higher Power.  Out of their sharing came hope that I too would -- and could -- "get" a Higher Power.  In time, I learned that a Higher power -- a faith that works under all conditions -- is possible.  Today this faith, plus the honesty, openmindedness and willingness to work the Steps of the program, gives me the serenity that I seek.  It works -- it really does.

~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
Brain Power Alone?

To the intellectually self-sufficient man or woman, many A.A.'s can say, "Yes, we were like you - far too smart for our own good. We loved to have people call us precocious. We used our education to blow ourselves up into prideful balloons, though we were careful to hide this from others. Secretly, we felt we could float above the rest of the folks on our brain power alone.
"Scientific progress told Us there was nothing man couldn't do. Knowledge was all powerful. Intellect could conquer nature. Since we were brighter than most folks (so we thought), the spoils of victory would be ours for the thinking. The god of intellect displaced the God of our fathers.
"But John Barleycorn had other ideas. We who had won so handsomely in a walk turned into alltime losers. We saw that we had to reconsider or die."

Copyright®1967 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*
"When ready, we say something like this: 'My Creator, I am now
willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you
now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in
the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as
I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen.' We have then
completed Step Seven."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Into Action, pg. 76~

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

When I find myself thinking about taking a drink, I say to myself. "Don't reach out and take that problem back. You've given it to God and there's nothing you can do about it." So I forget about the drink. One of the most important parts of the A.A. program is to give our drink problem to God honestly and fully and never to reach out and take the problem back to ourselves. If we let God have it and keep it for good and then cooperate with Him, we'll stay sober. Have I determined not to take the drink problem back to myself?

Meditation for the Day

Constant effort is necessary if I am to grow spiritually and develop my spiritual life. I must keep the spiritual rules persistently, perseveringly, lovingly, patiently, and hopefully. By keeping them, every mountain of difficulty shall be laid low, the rough places of poverty of spirit shall be made smooth, and all who know me shall know that God is the Lord of all my ways. To get close to the spirit of God is to find life and healing and strength.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that God's spirit may be everything to my soul. I pray that God's spirit may grow within me.

©Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012©

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Friday, February 29, 2008

Thoughts For The Day~*~Self-appraisal ^*^*^ February 29, 2008

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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used to be a champ at unrealistic self-appraisal.
I wanted to look only at the part of my life
which seemed good.
Then I would greatly exaggerate whatever virtues
I supposed I had attained.
Next I would congratulate myself on the grand job
I was doing.
So my unconscious self-deception never failed
to turn my few good assets into serious liabilities.
This astonishing process was always a pleasant one. . .
I was falling straight back
into the pattern of my drinking days. . .
I shall forever regret the damage I did to people around me.
Indeed, I still tremble when I realize
what I might have done to AA and to its future."
Bill W., June 1961
(c)1988AAGrapevine, The Language of the Heart,  pp.

Thought to C
onsider . . .

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

A A  =  Altered Attitudes

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

From "An Open Heart":

"I had nothing to do with this gift coming to me, so my gratitude is beyond description. It did not take me back to the person I was before drinking ... It gave me a new life--rather, life itself, because I had attempted suicide and had been hospitalized in private and state mental hospitals. It must have been spiritual; it was neither intellectual nor physical, that's for sure. I believe it was God as I understand Him, working through the love and understanding available in A.A. May I keep my heart open. The joy which can come to an open heart is unlimited.--New York, New York, USA"

(c) 1973 AAWS, Inc.; Came to Believe, 30th printing 2004, pg. 51

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

Save for a few brief moments of temptation the thought of drink has never returned; and at such times a great revulsion has risen up in him. Seemingly he could not drink even if he would. God had restored his sanity.

                                ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 57

The word "God" was frightening to me when I first saw it associated with A.A.'s Twelve Steps. Having tried all the means I could to stop drinking, I found that it was not possible for me to sustain that desire over a period of time.  Yet, how could I believe in a "God" that had allowed me to sink to the deep despair that engulfed me -- whether drinking or dry?

        The answer was in finally admitting that it might be possible for me to know the mercy of a Power greater than myself who could grant me sobriety contingent on my willingness to "come to believe."  By finally admitting that I was one among many, and by following the example of my sponsor and other A.A. members in practicing faith I did not have, my life has been given meaning, direction and purpose.

~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
Hard on Ourselves, Considerate of Others

We cannot disclose anything to our wives or our parents which will hurt them and make them unhappy. We have no right to save our own skins at their expense. Such damaging parts of our story we tell to someone else who will understand, yet be unaffected. The rule is, we must be hard on ourselves, but always considerate of others.


Good judgment will suggest that we ought to take our time in making amends to our families. It may be unwise at first to rehash certain harrowing episodes. While we may be quite willing to reveal the very worst, we must be sure to remember that we cannot buy our own peace of mind at the expense of others.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"Without knowing it, had we not been brought to where we stood by a
certain kind of faith? For did we not believe in our own reasoning?
Did we not have confidence in our ability to think? What was that
but a sort of faith? Yes, we had been faithful, abjectly faithful to
the God of Reason. So, in one way or another, we discovered that
faith had been involved all the time!"

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, We Agnostics, pg. 53~

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

Getting sober was a long and painful journey, but we can truthfully say it was worth it. We know now that all we've been through led us to A.A. and were part of our spiritual journey. We found in A.A. what we had been vainly seeking in the bottle. We've learned that our journey goes on as we continue to deal with our shortcomings and the human problems everybody must face. And when we reach a crossroads or a roadblock, we know that our Higher Power will come to our aid in making the right choices and surmounting all obstacles. Do I turn to my Higher Power to sustain me as I continue the spiritual journey that brought me to A.A.?

Meditation for the Day

Happiness cannot be sought directly; it is a byproduct of love and service.

As I continue on my spiritual journey, I will seek and follow Divine Guidance and know there is always a place prepared for me. Nothing but my own pride and fear can keep me from my dwelling place with God. I need not strain or struggle to obtain that which God wants me to have. My only responsibility is to accept God's guidance and follow the highest principles in all my affairs.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I'll continue to seek guidance as my spiritual journey continues today. I pray to trust that I am always doing the right thing and am in the right place when my Higher Power is leading me.

(c)Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012(c)

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thoughts For The Day~*~Meetings ^*^*^*^*^ February 28, 2008

~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~
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"spiritual experience" to me meant attending meetings,
seeing a group of people,
all there for the purpose of helping each other;
hearing the Twelve Steps
and the Twelve Traditions read at a meeting,
and hearing the Lord's Prayer,
which in an AA meeting has such great meaning --
"Thy will be done, not mine." 
A spiritual awakening soon came to mean
trying each day to be a little more thoughtful,
more considerate, a little more courteous
to those with whom I came in contact.

c. 1976, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 381
c. 2001, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 356

Thought to Consider . . .

The ankle-biters of everyday struggles will eat away at me
unless I go to meetings and share.

C A R E  =  Comforting And Reassuring Each other.

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

From "The Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous":

"Even as early as 1945, the solution of group problems by correspondence had put a large volume of work on Headquarters. Letters to metropolitan A.A. centers filled our bulging files. It seemed as if every contestant in every group argument wrote us during this confused and exciting period.

"The basic ideas for the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous came directly out of this vast correspondence. In late 1945 a good A.A. friend suggested that all this mass of experience might be codified into a set of principles which could offer tested solutions to all our problems of living and working together and of relating our society to the world outside. If we had become sure enough of where we really stood on such matters as membership, group autonomy, singleness of purpose, nonendorsement of other enterprises, professionalism, public controversy, and anonymity in its several aspects, then such a set of principles could be written. A code of traditions could not, of course, ever become rule or law. But it might act as a guide for our Trustees, Headquarters people, and especially for A.A. groups with growing pains."

© 2001 AAWS, Inc.; Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, pg. 203

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

        When told that our Society has no president having authority to govern it, no treasurer who can compel the payment of any dues.  .  .  .  our friends gasp and exclaim, "This simply can't be .  .  ."


When I finally made my way to A.A., I could not believe that there was no treasurer to "compel the payment of dues."  I could not imagine an organization that didn't require monetary contributions in return for a service.  It was my first and, thus far, only experience with getting "something for nothing."   Because I did not feel used or conned by those in A.A., I was able to approach the program free from bias and with an open mind.  They wanted nothing from me.  What could I lose?  I thank God for the wisdom of the early founders who knew so well the alcoholic's disdain for being manipulated.

~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
Conviction and Compromise

One qualification for a useful life is give-and-take, the ability to compromise cheerfully. Compromise comes hard to us "all or nothing" drunks. Nevertheless, we must never lose sight of the fact that progress is nearly always characterized by a series of improving compromises.
Of course, we cannot always compromise. There are circumstances in which it is necessary to stick flat-footed to one's convictions until the issue is resolved. Deciding when to compromise and when not to compromise always calls for the most careful discrimination.

Copyright 1967 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

3rd Step Prayer:

"God, I offer myself to Thee  to build with me and to do with
me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better
do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may
bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy
Way of life. May I do Thy will always!"

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, How It Works, pg. 63~

*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

Getting sober was a long and painful journey, but we can truthfully say it was worth it. We know now that all we've been through led us to A.A. and was part of our spiritual journey. We found in A.A. what we had been vainly seeking in the bottle. We've learned that our journey goes on as we continue to deal with our shortcomings and the human problems everybody must face. And when we reach a crossroads or a roadblock, we know that our Higher Power will come to our aid in making the right choices and surmounting all obstacles. Do I turn to my Higher Power to sustain me as I continue the spiritual journey that brought me to A.A.?

Meditation for the Day

As I continue on my spiritual journey, I will seek and follow Divine Guidance and know there is always a but my own pride and place with God. I need not strain or struggle to obtain that which God wants me to have. My only responsibility is to accept God's guidance and follow the highest principles in au my affairs.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I'll continue to seek guidance as my spiritual journey continues today. I pray to trust that I am always doing the right thing and am in the right place when my Higher Power is leading me.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thoughts For The Day~*~Foundation ^*^*^*^*^ February 27, 2008

 ~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~

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here is a direct linkage among self-examination,
meditation, and prayer.
Taken separately, these practices can bring
much relief and benefit.
but when they are logically related and interwoven,
the result is an unshakable foundation for life.

c. 1952 AAWS, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions,  p. 98

Thought to Consider . . .

rayer is asking a question. 
Meditation is listening for the answer.

A S A P =  Always Say A Prayer.

*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*

From "Tightrope":

"He put me in contact with an individual who took me to my first meeting. Although I can barely recall anything about that meeting, I heard two things I have never forgotten. The first was 'You don't have to drink again.' This was a total revelation to me. For a long time I had believed that alcohol was one of the few positive things left in my life. I looked forward to my first drink every evening and thought that alcohol was holding my life together. I had to drink to survive, let alone to have any comfort. Yet here, people who had been in the same boat were telling me that I didn't have to drink. I don't think I believed them that night, but it gave me enough hope to avoid drinking the rest of the day."

(c) 2001 AAWS, Inc., Fourth Edition; Alcoholics Anonymous, pgs. 364-65

*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*

Where does A.A. get its direction? . . . These practical folk then read Tradition Two, and learn that the sole authority in A.A. is a loving God as He may express Himself in the group conscience.  .  .  .  The elder statesman is the one who sees the wisdom of the group's decision, who holds no resentment over his reduced status, whose judgment, fortified by considerable experience, is sound, and who is willing to sit quietly on the sidelines patiently awaiting developments.


Into the fabric of recovery from alcoholism are woven the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions.  As my recovery progressed, I realized that the new mantle was tailor-made for me.  The elders of the group gently offered suggestions when change seemed impossible.  Everyone's shared experiences became the substance for treasured friendships.  I know that the Fellowship is ready and equipped to aid each suffering alcoholic at all crossroads in life.  In a world beset by many problems, I find this assurance a unique stability.  I cherish the gift of sobriety.  I offer God my gratitude for the strength I receive in a Fellowship that truly exists for the good of all members.

~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
Righteous Indignation

"The positive value of righteous indignation is theoretical - especially for alcoholics. It leaves every one of us open to the rationalization that we may be as angry as we like provided we can claim to be righteous about it."


When we harbored grudges and planned revenge for defeats, we were really beating ourselves with the club of anger we had intended to use on others. We learned that if we were seriously disturbed, our very first need was to quiet that disturbance, regardless of who or what we thought caused it.

1. LETTER, 1954 - 2 .TWELVE AND TWELVE, p. 47
Copyright 1967 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*

"Though there is no way of proving it, we believe that early in our
drinking careers most of us could have stopped drinking. But the
difficulty is that few alcoholics have enough desire to stop while
there is yet time."

Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, More About Alcoholism, pg. 32

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*
A.A. Thought for the Day

When we came into A.A., the first thing we did was to admit that we couldn't do anything about our drinking. We admitted that alcohol had us licked and that we were helpless against it. We never could decide whether or not to take a drink. We always took the drink. And since we couldn't do anything about it ourselves, we put our whole drink problem into the hands of God. We turned the whole thing over to that Power greater than ourselves. And we have nothing more to do about it, except to trust God to take care of the problem for us. Have I done this honestly and fully?

Meditation for the Day

This is the time for my spirit to touch the spirit of God. I know that the feeling of the spirit-touch is more important than all the sensations of material things. I must seek a silence of spirit-touching with God. just a moments contact and all the fever of life leaves me. Then I am, well, whole, calm, and able to rise and minister to others. God's touch is a potent healer. I must feel that touch and sense God's presence.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that the fever of resentment, worry, and fear may melt into nothingness. I pray that health, joy, peace, and serenity may take its place.

Hazelden Foundation PO Box 176 Center City, MN 55012

Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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