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"I had no problem admitting I was powerless over alcohol,
and I certainly agreed that my life had become
I had only to reflect on the contrast between the plans I made
so many years ago for my life with what really happened
to know I couldn't manage my life drunk or sober.
AA taught me that willingness to believe
was enough for a beginning."
1976AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 550
Thought to Consider . . .
Life didn't end when I got sober ... it started.
A C T I O N = Any Change To Improve Our Natures
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^^*~*~*~*~*
"When my own house is in order, I find the
different parts of my life are more manageable.
Stripped from the guilt and remorse that cloaked
my drinking years, I am free to assume my proper
role in the universe, but this condition requires
maintenance. I should stop and ask myself, Am I
having fun yet? If I find answering that question
difficult or painful, perhaps I'm taking myself
too seriously and finding it difficult to admit
that I've strayed from my practice of working the
program to keep my house in order."
1990 AAWS, Inc.; Daily Reflections, pg. 31
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
Where humility had formerly stood for a forced feeding on humble pie, it now begins to mean the nourishing ingredient which can give us serenity.
How often do I focus on my problems and frustrations? When I am having a "good day" these same problems shrink in importance and my preoccupation with them dwindles. Wouldn't it be better if I could find a key to unlock the "magic" of my "good days" for use on the woes of my "bad days"?
I already have the solution! Instead of trying to run away from my pain and wish my problems away, I can pray for humility! Humility will heal the pain. Humility will take me out of myself. Humility, that strength granted to me by that "power greater than myself," is mine for the asking! Humility will bring balance back into my life. Humility will allow me to accept my humanness joyously.
*~*~*~*~*^As Bill Sees It^*~*~*~*~*
The Language of the Heart
Why, at this particular point in history, has God chosen to communicate His
healing grace to so many of us? Every aspect of this global unfoldment can be related to a single crucial word. The word is communication among ourselves, with the world around us, and with God.
From the beginning, communication in A.A. has been no ordinary transmission of helpful ideas and attitudes. Because of our kinship in suffering, and because our common means of deliverance are effective for ourselves only when constantly carried to others, our channels of contact have always been charged with the language of the heart.
A.A. TODAY, PP. 7-8
*~*~*~*~*^ Big Book Quote ^*~*~*~*~*
He Sold Himself Short - But he found that there was a Higher Power which had more faith in him than he had in himself. Thus, A.A. was born in Chicago.
The day before I was due to go back to Chicago, a Wednesday and Dr. Bob's afternoon off, he had me down to the office and we spent three or four hours formally going through the Six-Step program as it was at that time. The six
steps were:
1. Complete deflation.
2. Dependence and guidance from a Higher Power.
3. Moral Inventory.
4. Confession.
5. Restitution.
6. Continued work with other alcoholics.
*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*
A.A. Thought For The Day
One of the best things about the A.A. program is the
peace of mind and serenity that it can bring us. In our
drinking days, we had no piece off mind or serenity.
We had the exact opposite, a kind of turmoil and that
"quiet desperation" we knew so well.
The turmoil of our drinking days was caused partly by our physical suffering, the terrible hangovers, the cold sweats,
the shakes and the jitters. But it was caused even more by our mental
suffering, the loneliness, the feeling of inferiority, the lying, the remorse
that every alcoholic understands. Have I achieved more peace of mind?
Meditation For The Day
Try to look for God's leading in all your personal relationships,
in all your dealings with other persons. God will help you
to take care of all your relationships with people, if you are willing to let
Him guide you. Rejoice that God can protect
you and keep you from temptation and failure.
God can protect you in all situations during the day, if you
will rely on His strength and go forward. You should feel that you
are entering upon the stage of success in the proper way of living.
You should not doubt that better things are ahead for you. Go
forward unafraid because you feel deeply safe under God's protection.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that God may protect and keep me as long as I try to serve Him. I
pray that I may go forward today unafraid.
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